Wednesday, December 31, 2014

The hacker group knocked Xbox Live and PSN public service pack sold DDoS attack

The hacker group calling itself the Lizard Squad knocked PlayStationNetwork and Xbox Live online last week by a large DDos attacks.

The hacker group calling itself the Lizard Squad knocked PlayStationNetwork and Xbox Live online last week by a large DDos attacks. Recently, the hacker group continued to make the online community as a public panic selling service packages DDos attack. Makes anyone can use different purposes.

It seems that the recent attacks just like a skill game advertising services for the hacker group. On the site of the hacker group offers different packages depending on the needs of the people to use.

different packages depending on the needs of the people to use.

It also comes with various prices from $ 5.99 / month with the lowest package, to $ 129.99 / month with the highest package. Currently hacker group only accept payment in Bitcoin, then update the method of payment by paypal.

A hacker group announced on twitter

A hacker group announced on twitter

However, we have not really know that this service is working or not true, although people behind this site is the technology leader in network attacks PSN and Xbox Live last week. But it's entirely possible that a joke or fraud against others to transfer money to them. Well maybe this is a new service in the era of internet technology development today.

No evidence as well as information on activities DDos attacks related to this site, so the authorities are still sitting on the sidelines.

Source: gizmodo

Sunday, December 28, 2014

At Putin's hometown, people rushing to hoard coins by train

The coin series was stored by the people in his hometown of Russian President Vladimir Putin to pay for subway trips, because ticket prices will increase next year, concerns context of Rupe sharp decline

Type the coin used to pay for subway trips in St Petersburg.

Type the coin used to pay for subway trips in St Petersburg.

According to AFP, the people in the city of St Petersburg to purchase up to 85,000 coins paid subway one day, to save three more Rupe (5 cents), before prices rise on day 1/1 years later.

"I feel that people are focusing investment in penny paid subway" - a joke passengers at the ticket desk at the station before Veteranov Prospekt.

Typically, only about 15,000 were sold payment cents a day the second largest city in Russia, but the ruble crisis worsened, this figure rises to between 80000-100000 cents a day. The price of the coin will increase from 28 Rupe (45 cents) to 31 Rupe (50 cents) on 1/1 years later.

Only in December, 1.8 million coins have been sold so far. The government has stepped in and banned the cashier sold more than two trends at once.

The Russians started shopping focus in recent weeks, many households hoarding sugar and buckwheat, one of the staples of the country, while at the same time Rupe had lost a quarter of value only in two days. Worried about rising inflation and wages and savings will evaporate, the Russians little richer reserve goods that they think will be worth keeping.

The currency crisis the worst in 15 years in power of President Vladimir Putin was triggered by the decline of oil prices, and exacerbated by the sanctions of the West as Ukraine crisis. At Rupe lost 40% of its value against the dollar and the euro this year.

Source: vnexpress

Saturday, December 27, 2014

These habits can be hated on Facebook

Maybe nobody wants to be hated on Facebook, but the truth is that every day there are some who make me hate accidentally or deliberately! : D

1. Tag the other in a strange status, irrelevant

Write a status, post a picture or share an article ... it is the right of every person to use Facebook, but when you tag (tag) other information on this, please be careful. For those who they feel irrelevant information tags, they will have a certain aversion to you. Additionally, this work also makes the tag to be constantly receive notifications when someone likes and comments to the press will stop receiving notification.They'll hates you

Tag the other in a strange status, irrelevant

2. Brag one, abdominal zone six, post photos take a selfie too much

Women may be showing photographs revealing a round, while men often have a habit of showing off the gym abdominal zone six. All images appear if too thick on Facebook might create the opposite reaction. In addition to those who love and praise you, then there are a lot of people are upset.

Brag one, abdominal zone six, post photos take a selfie too much

3. Post lyrics

In fact there are people who regularly posted the lyrics to Facebook as a status to express his feelings. Depending on time, there will be the words of a vibrant music, but also when the words of a song is sad, melancholy. According to Mashable, in fact this is not a form of communication that Facebooker desire to read, because it does not make much sense. Instead, it is desirable to read the shared reality of someone's life.

Post lyrics

4. Play threatening to others sharing status

This is often seen in the work fanpage. Specifically, the product in this case is a long status, leading users to read the content. Finally, the message given to the form "You have to share this status within 24 hours, if not to be ...". With ordinary internet users, not hard to ignore, even reporting violations on Facebook; whereas, a less skilled use of social networks to quickly share button. As a result, the sharing of information on the chatter will receive negative view of people.

Play threatening to others sharing status

5. Invite to group, gaming, invites interested Page

Whether intentionally or unintentionally invite your friends or join a group to play a certain game, then you are uncomfortable for everyone. Better yet, join the group only positive but know yourself, and stay away from the game on Facebook.

Invite to group, gaming, invites interested Page

6. Discuss politics

According to Mashable, sharing personal views through status, comment on political matters is not how or when to use Facebook. Firstly, this is a dry form of information, little attention. Secondly, politics is a sensitive issue that few people want to stick to. And above all, if you're talking politics for personal ego then you are being hated.

Discuss politics

7. Post photos of food

This information has been mentioned a lot in the media, but it is the habit of most users Facebook.

Post photos of food

8. Take photos lover

Knowing that you are happy with your love, but on the day the photos were published in the idyllic community together making Facebook switched from admiration and envy hate is not so.

Take photos lover

Friday, December 26, 2014

Netizens excited Year In Review feature on Facebook

Year In Review, Facebook features were introduced in 2012 to help users master the outstanding moments in his past again fever online community.

Year In Review

In Facebook before launching the application summary highlights in video format, this year Facebook launched new features Year In Review made more elaborate and beautiful, user statistics easier to just roll your mouse to view them

Facebook launched new features

Instead of displaying the status and image, Year In Review 2014 show only pictures stand out. You can completely customize the image you want instead of using automatic selection of Facebook. In addition, the social network also allows you to change the theme to show improvement, then share personal page

displaying the status and image

ear in Review available on the web platform and mobile version. However, it seems that social networking is the world's largest optimized for mobile version allows much more custom as well as some pictures of that event through the Customize button and add share button to share .

To create Year In Review - review special memorable moments in 2014, you can visit the following links.


Netizens world surprise with blockbuster China's Xiaomi 1S Redmi

In terms of tech, "grain" of the Xiaomi early willing to eat almost lost to rivals in the range of $ 4 or even 5 million, although the age of the machine is not what meager.

Recently, the brand emerging from China's Xiaomi has officially joined the world mobile market with a mid-range smartphone is Redmi Xiaomi 1S.

Redmi Xiaomi 1S

Left behind the gossip, the machine has received many compliments from the user community in Vietnam as well as the perennial tech professionals. Do not just stop there, after about one day be offered in the Yellow chain of Mobile, PC almost "fly off" and no signal hypothermia.
The question is really nowhere for this smartphone are, how experienced users in the countries concerned so Redmi 1S? Furthermore, why not launch a Mi4 Xiaomi are storming in the domestic market which is Redmi 1S?

Redmi 1S and the first sight

As the first representative of the Xiaomi - the name is iconic in the world mobile market, Redmi 1S in her special destiny in the land of Vietnam market are: branding, attracting users and of course, sales.

Unlike many cheap products on the market, giving users machine casual feeling, gently but no less fascinating. Typically the only poisonous plant containers only logo Mi (Xiaomi) on the board instead of the colored image.

Redmi 1S and the first sight

The first look at the machine, immediately makes people think of the Huawei Honor smartphone fellow 3C - also the way chamfered and elongated help hold in the palm of his hand. Only the location of the flash and camera is distinct clusters.

About accessories, in addition to the manual, the machine just stand there without a cable or headset charging bulb inside. Perhaps, this is why Redmi 1S so cheap to. Maybe that, in your country, Android smartphones have become indispensable items, one does not bundled, why? However, luck is also a distributor Digiworld 1 bulb carefully bundled charger for those who buy the machine.

Glance, all encapsulated in two words "simple" and indeed, no shame list "small grain" - listen to the familiar but hidden in her a strong vitality. To and from there, not just one grain of rice that can be both affordable one vast field?


In general, machine design does not make much difference. Here, we may temporarily listed as material plus some plastic but certainly, not feeling rickety. In addition, computer use is made of rough plastic material - creating powerful looks rather sleek as fellow Huawei Honor 3C.

Design of Xiaomi Red1S

Points are deducted at the plant despite trying to refine the Redmi 1S, but the material that may have occurred Xiaomi used to sweat and fingerprints. In addition, the machine is quite thick and heavy, look over there looks clunky but using familiar, maybe you'll find the dress that Redmi 1S hand created.
Details rare metal used in Redmi 1S is the volume keys and power, using quite good and responsive.

Summary, this is the first product designed very simple, compact and handy. Through this, we can partly answer the question why producers choose Redmi 1S is the first representative match. Because with a design so simple, it will fit many walks users and also can consider this test dose in the mobile market Vietnam.

Configuration and experience

Redmi 1S present users with one configuration of our country pretty, even ahead of many competitors in this price range. Equipped with 4.7-inch screen - similar to the current iPhone 6, but with HD resolution and pixel density of 312 ppi for very bright colors but not flattering eye.
In addition, the machine is integrated processor "genuine" from Qualcomm S400 - clocked 1.6 GHz, 1GB RAM, 8GB of internal memory. Through practical experience, the machine runs very smoothly on by the Xiaomi MIUI interface development platform based on Android 4.3.

Configuration and experience of Riaomi Red 1S

Furthermore, the ROM that provides Redmi Xiaomi 1S very good compatibility with hardware and provides a full range of conventional features such as quick installation, auto unlock ... However, the current version of the machine , the country has not been used to support Vietnamese language. Of course, interested readers can learn more about the ROM Cook varied from community Xiaomi in Vietnam.
Return to the simple tasks like surfing the web, listening to music or watching movies, for PC, this feature is not a major obstacle. In particular, the game is quite "hot" today as Asphalt 8 or Boom Beach, Redmi completely 1S can do their job without any hiccups, lag.

battery life

Regarding battery life, despite owning 2,050 mAh battery capacity, but the actual time used on Redmi 1S quite tight, of course, the machine remains in service users during daytime working hours. If you are familiar with the style used up "full speed" is Redmi 1S really need to consider.

On the machine's camera, this is causing you to be surprised when after 8 megapixel camera for picture quality is quite detailed but clear water vapor image to pale in comparison to reality. 1.6 megapixel front camera also like image quality "selfie" of Redmi 1S better than the same product range as Prime Mobiistar Zenfone 5 or 508.

Redmi 1S also proved superior with respect ASUS Zenfone 5 players.

When you try to test the performance of the machine on the AnTuTu Benchmark v5.5, to attain a score of 20,344 points, the relatively high price range, even in one of the other test, Redmi 1S also proved superior with respect ASUS Zenfone 5 players.
However, because it is one cheap products, so in the long running time, it can not avoid the phenomenon of "warming" in the cluster camera. With the fun, we may temporarily paralyzed Xiaomi 1S Redmi list smartphones dedicated to winter.


Sony unexpectedly released online film The Interview

Despite the threat from hackers, yesterday 24/12 Sony decided to release the film The Interview controversial online services like YouTube Movies, Xbox Video and Google Play.
Previously, representing Sony Pictures has broadcast news release said the film will be released in about 320 theaters in the US on Christmas Day 25/12 (local time).

Bulletin on 24/12 Slashgear said early Wednesday afternoon (Wednesday 24/12 US time), the film The Interview was officially launched on YouTube Movies, XBox Video, Google Play and a Sony own website provided by the named SeeTheInterview.

Customers can choose to hire (rental) or buy (outright purchase) films in turn 5,99USD prices and 14,99USD.

Sony unexpectedly released online film The Interview

Hình ảnh ra mắt bộ phim The Interview

In a recent statement, CEO of Sony Pictures Entertainment Michael Lynton said the company chose the form first released as a digital content in order to reach as many customers as possible in its first day while confirming will continue to seek partners and other platforms to further extend the release of the film the Interview.

The White House on Wednesday voiced 24/12 praised the decision to continue the screening of the film that Sony Pictures has released, according to reports from Reuters.

Previously, US President Barack Obama has said that Sony delayed the premiere The Interview before the threat of hackers is a mistake and an act like that can create a bad precedent.

Reuters also led the review of the security experts believe that Google, YouTube and Microsoft network infrastructure strong enough to deal with such attacks form of denial of service, or DDoS attacks security other.

Thursday, December 25, 2014

WhatsApp can support the call for next year

Just last week, Facebook has made the tech world stunned with the acquisition messaging application WhatsApp-largest in the world with $ 19 billion price.

Rumors of WhatsApp equipped feature phone call occurred from 2015 to early but this can come true. By checking of AndroidWorld, WhatsApp begin testing on call feature and software for Andoid, the company has hidden features.

Facebook acquired WhatsApp app

Facebook acquired WhatsApp app

Interface calls on WhatsApp is launched, experts assert AndroidWorld: "Except the screen when a call comes in, calling feature on WhatsApp will be identical to the photo." WhatsApp calling process's built quite simple but intuitive for the dial, call log and contacts separately.

Call features on WhatsApp is expected to generate benefits from the quality and stability compared with other services. Information also revealed that Call WhatsApp allows content recorded conversation and playback later. Most likely you'll have to pay extra to use the advanced features.

WhatsApp chat OTT services with 54 billion messages per day and are processed more than 450 million active users per month, according to 1/2014. On average, more than 1,200 users to send WhatsApp messages, received more than 2,200 messages and uploaded 40 pictures per month. Facebook has spent $ 19 billion to buy back services in February this year and it is considered to be one of the largest business tech village.

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