Saturday, December 27, 2014

These habits can be hated on Facebook

Maybe nobody wants to be hated on Facebook, but the truth is that every day there are some who make me hate accidentally or deliberately! : D

1. Tag the other in a strange status, irrelevant

Write a status, post a picture or share an article ... it is the right of every person to use Facebook, but when you tag (tag) other information on this, please be careful. For those who they feel irrelevant information tags, they will have a certain aversion to you. Additionally, this work also makes the tag to be constantly receive notifications when someone likes and comments to the press will stop receiving notification.They'll hates you

Tag the other in a strange status, irrelevant

2. Brag one, abdominal zone six, post photos take a selfie too much

Women may be showing photographs revealing a round, while men often have a habit of showing off the gym abdominal zone six. All images appear if too thick on Facebook might create the opposite reaction. In addition to those who love and praise you, then there are a lot of people are upset.

Brag one, abdominal zone six, post photos take a selfie too much

3. Post lyrics

In fact there are people who regularly posted the lyrics to Facebook as a status to express his feelings. Depending on time, there will be the words of a vibrant music, but also when the words of a song is sad, melancholy. According to Mashable, in fact this is not a form of communication that Facebooker desire to read, because it does not make much sense. Instead, it is desirable to read the shared reality of someone's life.

Post lyrics

4. Play threatening to others sharing status

This is often seen in the work fanpage. Specifically, the product in this case is a long status, leading users to read the content. Finally, the message given to the form "You have to share this status within 24 hours, if not to be ...". With ordinary internet users, not hard to ignore, even reporting violations on Facebook; whereas, a less skilled use of social networks to quickly share button. As a result, the sharing of information on the chatter will receive negative view of people.

Play threatening to others sharing status

5. Invite to group, gaming, invites interested Page

Whether intentionally or unintentionally invite your friends or join a group to play a certain game, then you are uncomfortable for everyone. Better yet, join the group only positive but know yourself, and stay away from the game on Facebook.

Invite to group, gaming, invites interested Page

6. Discuss politics

According to Mashable, sharing personal views through status, comment on political matters is not how or when to use Facebook. Firstly, this is a dry form of information, little attention. Secondly, politics is a sensitive issue that few people want to stick to. And above all, if you're talking politics for personal ego then you are being hated.

Discuss politics

7. Post photos of food

This information has been mentioned a lot in the media, but it is the habit of most users Facebook.

Post photos of food

8. Take photos lover

Knowing that you are happy with your love, but on the day the photos were published in the idyllic community together making Facebook switched from admiration and envy hate is not so.

Take photos lover

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